Rice, wheat, and maize are the three global staple foods. They, together, account for more than 42% of calorific intake. Globally, India is the second-largest producer of rice. Rich in nutrients, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals it is a major staple food in India.

What Are The By-products of Rice?

A by-product is a secondary product, usually a derivative of a manufacturing process. The process of producing edible rice by removing the husk and bran layers is rice milling. This process produces by-products of rice which are rice straw, rice husk, and rice bran.

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The basic processes of rice milling 732x473 1


The process ofย rice millingย often assists in removing the hills and brans from the paddy grains. As a result, we can get the polished rice. Further milling process provides the white rice which is done by machines and it rubs the grains together under certain pressure.


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Wheat – Details, Benefits & Facts

Whether itโ€™s bread for sandwiches or flour for noodles, the main ingredient involved in their production processes is wheat. Wheat is the most widely cultivated staple crop all over the world. It is one of the oldest and most important crops and has thousands of varieties known and grown worldwide. Wheat is grown on a land area more than any other food crop worldwide. It was one of the first crops in the world which could be easily cultivated on a large scale and the seeds were able to be stored for long periods in a dry climate.Wheat Details Benefits Facts

Due to increasing global demand which is based on the ability to make unique food products and sudden changes of westernization of diet and industrialization processes, the consumption of wheat is growing day by day. After the processing of wheat gets over in the flour mills or any other industry, the flour is recovered from the milled grains itโ€™s stored and wheat flour can be stored for a longer duration of time, while the remaining by-products can be used for livestock feeds. It is also used in the production of bioplastics, adhesives, paper, shampoos and conditioners, and other products.

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